Different aspects of daily life can induce stress, such as an increased workload, transitional periods, a misunderstanding with family or new Stress and Anxiety, any difference? Stress and anxiety are usually interchangeable in use, and there is an overlap between the two. The physical sensations and “fight and flight” response relate to both stress and anxiety. Stress is the normal physical response to a challenge. Stress is caused by external pressures that you may be finding difficult to cope with. 

The cause of stress is usually known, and its symptoms disappear once the stressor is taken away. On the other hand, anxiety is a constant fear for no identifiable reason. anxiety whose cause is unidentifiable relates to worries or fears about things that could threaten us, as well as anxiety about the anxiety itself. Worry and anxiety can become overwhelming and destructive in the lives of those with anxiety disorders when stress and anxiety are unattended to and allowed to last for a long time, they can have an impact on our well-being and daily life.

Does it seem like there is nothing you can do about daily stress? Your stressors are always staring at you? Bills and work-load in the office won’t stop increasing? Yes, the present-day life is so demanding, but you can have a lot more control than you think. Reports have shown that the simple realization that you’re in control of your life is a step forward in managing stress and anxiety. Once you learned to recognize your personal warning stress symptoms, you will know your body’s way of telling you to slow down and de-stress. 

Stress management will help you deal with problems and have control over your thoughts, lifestyle, and emotions. When you are in control, performance is sure to be optimal at work or with family members at home. Stress Management is effective in breaking the grip “bad” stress can have on your life, this will make you healthier and happier resulting in improved performance and productivity. The goal is to restore your balance, dealing with work time, relationships, relaxation and fun, and give you the resilience to maintain balance in the face of external pressure and challenges. It is important to find out your stressors and what management techniques work best for you.

Here are stress management tips to help manage your stress and get you on the path Adrenaline and cortisol are stress “fight or flight” hormones in your body which rises in stressful circumstances. Exercise and increased physical activities have been observed to increase the body’s elimination or metabolism of stress chemical messengers.

In your stressful moments, take a brisk walk and get some fresh air, make exercise or sporting activities a part of your regular schedule and daily routine. One hour of work out is only about 4% of your day, a regular morning road walk, some push-ups or 11 minutes with your jump rope will also improve the quality of your sleep and general


Don’t be too busy to relax and destress, nurturing yourself is a necessity, not a luxury. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and massage increase blood circulation and makes the body calmer and the mind clearer. As simple as it may seem, getting some professional massage therapy sessions frequently will

increase your performance and decision making as you will be in a better control of your mind.

Manage your time and avoid unnecessary stress. Prioritization in your scheduling will go a long way to unburden your mind, this will give you clarity of purpose, helping you focus on the most important thing at every point in time. Break an overwhelming

and unmanageable task list into a series of smaller and more manageable tasks across a longer time frame and be sure to delegate some tasks (you don’t have to do everything yourself). Don’t forget to have buffer times to deal with the unexpected and emergency tasks.

Having too much to do obviously induce pressure resulting in stress, you must avoid unnecessary and irrelevant requests, this will help to reduce your stress level, and may also develop your self- confidence. Many people may have issues with declining request, here are some polite and practical phrases that you can make use of: 

“I am sorry, but I have a lot on my table at the moment.”

“Now is not a good time as I’m busy.”

 “Why don’t we do this some other day?”

You should note people and discussions that consistently stress you out and avoid them by limiting the time you spend with them or totally cut them off. Spend time with people and get help Having a good time with another human being can be helpful, it will make you feel safe and understood about how you feel. Talking to a third party (a friend, work colleague, or even a trained professional) will distract you from the overwhelming pressure of stress or help find a solution to pending issues. 

Face-to-face interaction triggers a burst of hormones which counteracts the body’s defensive “fight-or-flight” response. This is a natural help to deal with depression and anxiety. You should connect regularly (face to face) with family members and friends. Don’t be worried about looking weak or whether the third party can fix your problem, all you need is a good listener. And try not to let worries about being a burden keep you from speaking.

On a final note, get help! A mental health physician can help you identify a variety of treatment options to relieve your stress level. This will help you gain a sound understanding of the ways stress and anxiety impact your performance.


  • Mike Souheil

    Author / Writer

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